Proof of Work II – More Avatar Updates

Hey Cool Cats community! It’s time for another Proof-of-Work update! Let’s dig in to our newest batch of exciting updates:

Introducing Bundles!

As we continue to test new ways to get wearables in your hands, this new offering is sure to hit the spot! Instead of receiving a collection of randomized contents from a given theme, each bundle comes with the same full kit every time. Each bundle is assigned a rarity for the overall assets within, and priced accordingly. Unlike packs, bundles can not be saved and will be opened upon purchase. These bundles will be available in unlimited supply, until the timer runs out next week! They are set to go on sale later today (2/8/2024)!

Our first bundles are themed around Lunar New Year, the SuperBowl, and Valentine’s Day, gearing you up for the upcoming festivities!

Enhanced Social Integration:

Introducing an all-new way to flaunt your avatar! Now, when you share your avatar to X via the avatar system, it will be showcased in the Recent Avatars carousel located just below the system. And that’s not all! If you’ve linked your X account, you can now seamlessly like other posts and follow users right from the avatar system. Spread the love with just a tap of the heart!

Social Integration

About YOU!

Identity matters, and now it’s easier than ever to personalize it. Update your username in the settings page to reflect your unique identity – but be warned, you can only update this once! Plus, subscribe to our newsletters by sharing your email address. We’re also introducing a “Safe Word” feature to ensure you know when emails are from us! Hint: if you want your username to be proudly shown on your cold and hot storage, make these updates on your cold wallet and hit the “Share Username” button!

About You!

Outline Mode:

Want your avatar to stand out? Try outline mode! Add a white border around your characters for cleaner cropping and better visuals.

Clon-Drawn 1of1 Traits:

Congratulations to Mojave, the recipient of our first legendary 1of1 NFT traits drawn by Clon himself! This one-of-a-kind trait set pays homage to Mojave’s love for gaming and was awarded to him for winning our first Cool Cat of The Year award! Mojave’s support online and in real life has meant the world to us and we couldn’t be happier to airdrop this to you today – just don’t reroll this one Mo!


Banner Builder Updates:

Lots of improvements and additions—check it out to see what’s new!

Bug Fixes:

We’ve been busy squashing bugs and making improvements. Keep the reports coming, and we’ll keep fixing them!

We’re done for now – Stay tuned for more exciting updates, and start sharing those avatars!

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