Cool Cats is a global storytelling brand, centered around our beloved character Blue Cat, created in 2013 by founding artist Colin Egan, aka “Clon.” Today, Cool Cats boasts an expansive ecosystem of captivating characters, thrilling animations, and unique merchandise, with major partnerships across the globe.
Through activations including a Balloon in the 2023 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and exhibits at San Diego Comic Con and NYC, Cool Cats has grown a dedicated global fanbase. We’ve partnered with iconic brands such as TIME, American Express, Macy’s, and Futureverse, and connected with fans of all ages worldwide.
Our brand’s essence lies in the universal appeal of our iconic characters and our mission to inspire the creative in all of us through immersive storytelling. From heartwarming adventures to laugh-out-loud moments, Cool Cats is more than entertainment—it’s a joyful journey that unites people across the world.